Healthy Aging Services

Healthy Aging Clinical Care & Services

At OU Health, you and your loved ones and caregivers can take advantage of the coordinated, multifaceted approach to the field of research on aging – known as geroscience – taking place at Oklahoma Center for Geroscience and Healthy Brain Aging in Oklahoma City.

Research-Based Care for Healthy Aging

Geroscience focuses on understanding the process of aging and how aging itself acts as a major factor that contributes to health conditions including cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as brain- and nerve-related (neurodegenerative) diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and others.

The field of geroscience also explores possible ways to slow the aging process, which would produce dramatic effects on most age-related diseases. This research translates into better healthcare and medical treatment for you and your loved ones, for all Oklahomans and for all residents throughout the region.

Explore Healthy Aging Services at OU Health

Learn more about clinical care for healthy aging and extensive geroscience research opportunities at Oklahoma Center for Geroscience and Healthy Brain Aging.

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Healthy Aging Clinical Care & Services

Choose OU Health to provide direct (clinical) care for age-related conditions that you or your loved ones may experience as you grow older. When you work with OU Health geriatric specialists, you or your caregivers also benefit from their extensive education and training, as well as evidence-based information that brings new research on aging into the care you receive.

Get healthy aging care at OU Health for:

  • Brain-related conditions – Includes Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Huntington’s disease and more; OU Health combines expert information and research to develop the most appropriate care plan for you or your loved one
  • Memory care – Involves conditions ranging from noticeable changes in memory to late-stage Alzheimer’s disease; geroscience services at OU Health encompass the full spectrum of care – from early diagnosis to comprehensive condition management
  • Osteoarthritis – Creates inflammation causing pain in joints such as knees, hips, hands or spine; OU Health accurately diagnoses your condition and uses research-based data to aid in your long-term care

You and your family also benefit from direct connection to Oklahoma's most comprehensive academic health system and coordinated care from your geriatricians among other OU Health specialists, including:

More OU Health Healthy Aging Services

Explore individual- and family-centered services at OU Health designed to support healthy aging throughout your life. Resources include:

  • Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI) – Oklahoma’s statewide senior health network with five regional Centers of Healthy Aging; uses a multifaceted approach to improve health and quality of life for older Oklahomans and their caregivers; provides local, community-based, health education and programming
  • Dementia Care Network (OkDCN) – Collaborative program funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; aimed at enhancing care and support for Oklahomans affected by all types of dementia; sponsored by the Geriatric Medicine section of the University of Oklahoma (OU), the OU College of Medicine and OU Health Sciences Center (OUHSC)
  • Geriatric Medicine – OU Health – Specialized primary care for older adults from extensively trained geriatricians and other healthcare professionals at OU Health
  • OU Health geroscience doctors and clinical faculty – Directory listing of OU Health geroscience specialists, geriatricians, geriatric medicine specialists, clinical faculty

Geroscience Research at OU Health

Beyond the OU Health clinical services for geriatric medicine, geroscience and healthy aging available to you and your loved ones, you can take advantage of the wide range of geroscience research underway at Oklahoma Center for Geroscience and Healthy Brain Aging in Oklahoma City.

Learn more about OU Health geroscience research and its connections to direct patient care through:

National Geroscience Resources

Sign up for email newsletters highlighting developments in research and care for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias from national sources such as:

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