Opportunities for Harold Hamm Diabetes Center members include funding awards and access to core facilities. Several types of funding awards are available to members to support the development of their work. Award applications are evaluated on a competitive, peer-reviewed basis by the Harold Hamm Research Grants Committee and External Review Panel. Additional awards, such as matching awards to other funding opportunities, will be announced if they become available.
The Harold Hamm Diabetes Center (HHDC) is pleased to announce pilot funding opportunities for 2025. The HHDC Pilot Program will consider funding seven types of proposals including a new funding opportunity, the I2 Impact & Innovation Award. In addition, HHDC will consider Team Science proposals, Novel Pilot Projects, Novel Pilot Projects for Post-Docs, Bridge Funding, Equipment Grants and Travel Reimbursement proposals. Based on a matching gift, the HHDC will award up to $2.5M to researchers to launch investigations for diabetes research. These funds will be augmented with a collaboration with the Stephenson Cancer Center for projects that feature collaboration between researchers in diabetes and cancer. These HHDC-SCC awards are available for Team Science and Novel Pilot for Post-Docs projects.
Applications should be closely aligned with the mission of the HHDC to increase understanding about the causes and consequences of diabetes and closely related cardiometabolic conditions like obesity, liver disease, and cancer, as well as strategies for prevention or treatment of these conditions. Additionally, proposals that address one or more of the following themes are HHDC funding priorities:
Theme 1: Diabetes and Obesity, origins within the first 1000 days of life or changes across the lifespan. These are proposals that aim to gain basic science and clinical knowledge on the inter-relationship of obesity and diabetes during fetal development and early life, or across the lifespan. For example, we are interested in studies of the genetic, epigenetic, and environmental basis of susceptibility to developing insulin resistance, metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, macrovascular and microvascular diabetic complications, obesity, and diabetes.
Theme 2: Translational Research. We encourage new collaborative projects between a Principal Investigator (PI) who is a basic scientist and a PI who is a clinician or clinical scientist. These projects must focus on patients or patient samples. At least one of the two collaborating PIs must be from the College of Medicine. If you are applying for this paired Basic/Clinical award, please specify this within the Letter of Intent, and detail the roles of the collaborators.
Theme 3: Clinical Research/Public Health. We seek proposals to investigate new treatments, interventions, and technology for diabetes management, along with strategies to raise awareness, promote prevention, or improve diabetes care. Proposals that address health disparities related to diabetes, and early stage clinical investigators are particularly encouraged.
The emphasis of the HHDC pilot program is to provide foundational support that will permit investigators to compete successfully for extramural sources of research support such as the NIH, American Diabetes Association, JDRF, etc. Projects without evidence of potential for generating external funding will be given lower priority scores during evaluation.
The PI of any HHDC grant application must be a Member of the HHDC; the co-investigators do not have to be members at the time of application, but if successful are encouraged to become Members or Associate Members of the HHDC during the tenure of the grant. Recipients of active HHDC grants may not apply for, or hold another HHDC grant or Team Science grant as project PI or MPI. An exception to the latter rule is that current grantees may apply for the new I2 Award described above.
Letters of Intent are due to HHDCGrants@ouhsc.edu by 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. Applicants with LOI proposals that fit the HHDC mission and have potential for success will be invited to submit a full application in March. All LOI applicants will be notified about the status of their proposal by Jan. 31, 2025.
Please see the templates below for grant-specific submission requirements.
Application attachments will vary by proposal type. Please see grant specific instructions below for further information.
In accordance with OUHSC policy, a SoonerTrack routing form should be submitted at least three to five full business days prior to the March 18, 2025 grant application deadline. Applicants are expected to work with their assigned Sponsored Program Administrator (SPA) for review of the application.
Once the review is complete, the Face Page of the application must be signed by the ORA Official (or equivalent signing official at institutions other than OUHSC) before the PI submits the final application to HHDC.
External Applicants will need to use their own institution’s offices for any grant processing, and comply with the March 18, 2025 grant application deadline above.
Send the final application by e-mail to HHDCGrants@ouhsc.edu no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Please title the application attached to the email: HHDC <Type of Grant> Grant-[PI Last Name, First Name]. Please submit the application as a single file in pdf format. Failure to follow these steps could cause your application to be overlooked and not reviewed by the HHDC Grants Review Committee.
The HHDC Grants Review Committee will review and award grants in consultation with two outside reviewers and one internal reviewer. Outside reviewers will be selected for each application based on their relevant subject matter expertise. Applicants are required to provide the names of three potential outside reviewers in their LOI. The list should consist of people who are able to provide an unbiased, objective assessment of the proposal; however, reviewers should not be current or former mentors, collaborators, or trainees of the PI or co-investigators. External reviewers should be at institutions outside of Oklahoma but within the United States. Final selection of the outside reviewers will be made by the HHDC Grants Review Committee. Once appointed, the internal committee and panel of outside reviewers will evaluate the proposal to come to a funding decision.
All applications will follow the HHDC Application Form, Terms and Guidelines found here:
For questions or for special exception of the announcement approval, please contact HHDCGrants@ouhsc.edu.
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