Volunteer Registry for Clinical Research

Stay informed about opportunities to participate in adult clinical trials at OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in Oklahoma City.

Join a Caring Circle of Volunteers

Harold Hamm Diabetes Center’s Volunteer Registry is a database of people interested in diabetes research. You do NOT need to have diabetes to participate in the Registry.

The Registry helps us locate people who qualify for certain research studies. If you qualify for a research study based on the information in our Registry, we contact you and provide you with all the essential information you need to make an informed decision about participating. You are not required to participate.

Find more information about the Volunteer Registry by calling (405) 271-3604. Or complete the online form.

Clinical Trials in Oklahoma City & Tulsa

Once you join the Registry, you’ll receive up-to-date information on adult clinical trials in Oklahoma City of potential interest to you – with no obligation to participate.