Diabetes Clinical Trials in Tulsa

The research program at OU Health Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in Tulsa investigates new drugs and treatment methods which help advance understanding about diabetes and other endocrine disorders. With a goal to supply accurate, reliable and precise data to our research sponsor partners, we also maintain strict adherence to good clinical practice guidelines.

Your Participation – Vital to Success

Advances in treatment can only happen with your help: volunteers – with or without diabetes – who participate in clinical trials and studies. Research volunteers play a crucial role in helping find better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat endocrine disorders. Like many of our volunteers, your satisfaction likely comes from knowing you’re helping the effort to reduce challenges facing others who live with the condition by advancing understanding of new or improved medical therapies.

Find out more about volunteering to participate in a research study. Talk to your healthcare provider. Or contact the Diabetes Center research team at (918) 619-4304.

Tulsa Clinical Trials Currently Recruiting Participants

Young adults (ages 18-30) with Type 1 diabetes who wear a pump are needed for a 32-week nutritional intervention. This study focuses on whether a low carbohydrate diet (60-80 g per day) improves glycemic control, markers of inflammation and lipids in young adults compared to standard diabetes diets (>150 g carbohydrates per day). Participants visit the clinic 7 times in 32 weeks.

AstraZeneca Exenatide
Adolescents (ages 10-17) with Type 2 diabetes are needed for this 62-week pharmaceutical trial. Participants will receive weekly injections and visit the clinic 11 times in 62 weeks. Exenatide is already FDA approved for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in adults and is considered a promising treatment option for young people with Type 2 diabetes.

Stopping Gestational Diabetes
American Indian / Alaska Native girls ages 12-24, along with their mothers, are sought for a computer-based study. The program will determine if information about eating healthy and making exercise easier could lead to healthy weight and lowering the chances of getting gestational diabetes. Participants will visit the clinic 4 times in 9 months.

Screening is offered free to relatives of people with Type 1 diabetes to evaluate their personal risk for developing the disease. This unique screening can identify the early stages of Type 1 diabetes years before any symptoms appear. It also helps researchers learn more about how Type 1 diabetes develops and plan new studies exploring ways to prevent it.

Clinical Trials in Oklahoma City & Tulsa

Take the first step toward participating in a clinical trial at Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in Oklahoma City by enrolling in our Volunteer Registry. Once you join the Registry, you’ll receive up-to-date information on adult clinical trials of potential interest to you in Oklahoma City, with no obligation to participate.