Cancer Prevention & Screening Programs

Prevention and early detection are the most effective ways to reduce cancer in Oklahoma and nationally. Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC) sponsors a variety of community-based screening programs to promote awareness and to assist with the early detection of cancer. Some were specifically developed to address high-incidence cancers in at-risk populations in the state.

Project Panhandle

Funded by a grant from the Susan G. Komen Central and Western Oklahoma affiliate, Project Panhandle provides breast health screening and no-cost, follow-up diagnostic services for Hispanic women in Texas County in the Oklahoma panhandle. The goal is to promote early detection by addressing language, transportation and childcare barriers for this underserved population. Hispanic women in Texas County are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer (only 38% of Hispanic women, 40 and older, have regular mammograms). Distance and demographics create challenges in providing accessible healthcare for this at-risk population, especially age-appropriate breast cancer screenings. Project Panhandle partners SCC with the Breast Health Network and OU Health to provide women in Texas County with access to complimentary mammograms through mobile mammography events.

Project Pawhuska

Through a community grant from the Susan G. Komen Tulsa Foundation, SCC has partnered with the OU Health Breast Center to provide breast health screening and no-cost, follow-up diagnostic services to American Indian women aged 40-75 years in Osage County in eastern Oklahoma. Tribal home of the Osage Nation, Osage County is the largest county in Oklahoma by area of size. Nearly 60% of the female population in Osage County live in rural areas. Prevention and early detection are the most effective ways to reduce cancer in Oklahoma (OK) and nationally. Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC) sponsors a variety of community-based screening programs to promote awareness and to assist with the early detection of cancer. Some were specifically developed to address high-incidence cancers in at-risk populations in the state.

Susan G. Komen Oklahoma - Breast Cancer Screening
This Community Outreach and Engagement (COE)– OU Breast Health Network outreach program provides no-cost screening mammograms, and diagnostic and treatment services, to uninsured women and low-income communities in OK. Spanish-speaking staff help ensure services reach the growing Hispanic population, including immigrant communities. Breast cancer screening events have been augmented with colorectal cancer (CRC) screening and tobacco cessation services to broaden cancer control efforts.

Private Philanthropy - Prostate Cancer Awareness
This multifaceted effort (COE, OU Health Marketing, and Dept. of Urology) aims to increase prostate cancer awareness and screening, and decrease prostate cancer mortality among Black/African American men and rural residents. A $1M private gift supports direct community outreach, development of a mobile app, and creation of public service announcements (PSAs) to increase prostate cancer awareness.

National Outreach Network CHE Administrative Supplement
This project supports community health education in American Indian (AI) and rural communities regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) awareness and vaccine uptake as well as efforts to increase awareness of and participation in National Cancer Institute (NCI) clinical trials. Outpace Cancer Event. This SCC fundraising run/walk event helps raise cancer awareness. Since 2018, 3,300 individuals have participated in this event. COE helps organize and staff the annual event and provides community health education on cancer screening and clinical trials awareness to participants.

SunSmartOKC Initiative

The SunSmartOKC initiative is a collaboration between private and public entities, led by SCC and The City of Oklahoma City, to reduce skin cancer incidence and mortality in the community. Supported with private funding, SCC has donated twenty sunscreen pumps for public use to municipal parks and recreation areas as well as the Oklahoma City Zoo. In recognition of this activity, on May 22, 2018 Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett proclaimed Oklahoma City a SunSmart City.

Community Skin Cancer Screenings

SCC partners with OU Health Dermatology to provide free skin cancer screenings to the community in an effort to improve the health of our community. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types, accounting for half of all cancers in the United States. Early detection is the key to reducing incidence and mortality rates related to melanoma.

Head and Neck Cancer Checks

SCC collaborates with the Department of Otolaryngology to provide head and neck cancer checks to the community. These checks can help with detection of oral, salivary gland, throat, voicebox, thyroid, sinus, nasal, ear and facial cancers.

Contact Information

To learn more information, please contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Core staff through the email address below.

Community Outreach and Engagement Core

Core Staff

Lindsey Diel BS, CPHQ
Community Outreach Liaison

Lauri Hunsucker, MA
Program Coordinator

Valerie Moise, MS
Community Outreach Liaison

Stephanie Pharr, MS, CHES
Senior Outreach Liaison

Carla Ponce, MM
Community Outreach Liaison

Ayesha Sambo, MPH, CPH
Research Epidemiologist

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