Clinical Trials Office
The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) provides centralized management and support
services for all aspects of clinical trials research at the Stephenson
Cancer Center. The major functions of the CTO are to:
- Facilitate timely activation and administration of all cancer-related clinical
trials, including oversight of the logistics related to scientific, ethical,
operational review
- Ensure the research team is adequately trained to support each clinical trial
- Maintain a centralized web-based repository of all protocol-specific documents
and consents
- Provide clinical assistance to facilitate the conduct of cancer-related
clinical trials, including: enrollment and verification of patient eligibility;
scheduling of appropriate tests, treatments, and assessments; and data reporting
- Provide data management support for cancer-related clinical trials
- Ensure a high level of data accuracy and integrity through internal review
and monitoring
Clinical Trials Office Services
The CTO provides Stephenson Cancer Center physicians and investigators
with a comprehensive array of services to help ensure the timely initiation
and completion of clinical trials. These include:
- Regulatory submissions and monitoring
- Protocol design and development
- Monitoring protocol compliance
- Budget development and contract negotiation
- Screening and enrollment of eligible patients
- Data collection, monitoring and reporting
- Adverse event reporting
- Coordination of patient treatment on research study
- Maintaining an online library of up-to-date protocol, consent and amendment documents
- Biospecimen acquisition
- Training and education of staff
- Clinical research information systems management
- Quality assurance
Contact Information
Clinical Trials Office