Cancer Screening Research Network


Principal Investigators: Mark Doescher, M.D., University of Oklahoma and, Kathleen Moore, M.D., University of Oklahoma

In 2024 OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center joined the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Screening Research Network (CSRN) with a $3.2 million grant. They are studing new cancer screening methods, especially for high-risk Oklahomans with limited access to screening.

Stephenson Cancer Center is one of nine groups nationwide to participate in the network. The project will offer clinical trials to people in tribal, rural, and urban locations across Oklahoma. This effort is known as the Oklahoma Tribal, Rural, Urban Cancer Screening Trial (OK TRUST) Access Hub.

Multi-Cancer Detection Assays

The first trial, the Vanguard study, will set the stage for future trials. The screening data will help researchers check how well multi-cancer detection assays (MDCs) find cancer. This trial will also help us identify screening barriers.

MCDs will be used to screen for multiple cancers using a blood draw. Positive results will lead to further tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. This will help us understand whether MCDs help detect cancer earlier, leading to more effective treatment to reduce cancer-related deaths.

Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma’s only NCI-designated cancer center, aims to improve cancer screening by adding this screening clinical trial to their existing clinical trials network.


For additional information about CSRN studies available through OK TRUST, please contact:

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