Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC) provides several opportunities for high school and undergraduate students who are interested in biomedical and behavioral research and in health profession careers. Students interested in exploring careers in science and medicine are encouraged to apply.
Cancer Undergraduate Research Experience – High School Summer Program
(CURE Jr.)
OU Health Sciences Center and Stephenson Cancer Center provide an annual
one-day program for 30+ Oklahoma high school students to learn about careers
in cancer research and medicine. Participants learned directly from medical
professionals and researchers about Colon Cancer, Public Health, Nursing,
Biomedical Engineering, and Oncology as well as discussion on their personal
career paths. Additional hands-on STEM activities included: cancer cell
microscopy and tumor observation, bio-nanotechnology, marshmallow challenge,
and a tour in our giant inflatable colon.
Event Date: Friday, June 13, 2025
Applications will open January 6 until slots are filled.
Building Research and Investment in Developing the Next Generation (BRIDGE)
The Building Research and Investment in Developing the Next Generation
(BRIDGE) began its first 8-week summer program for OKC metro rising juniors
and seniors to gain valuable job and laboratory training. Four students
complete safety training, professional development activities, OUHSC O-Boarding,
and over 200 hours of mentored research.
Program Dates: June 2 – July 25, 2025
open January 6, 2025
due February 14, 2025
YES Oklahoma
The Native American Youth Enjoy Science (YES Oklahoma; NCI R25CA274172)
Program aims to engage up to 12 Native American high school rising juniors
and seniors in an intensive summer internship that allows them to gain
up to seven college credit hours, 60+ hours of hands-on laboratory training
and professional networking activities. The program also engages four
middle and high school science teachers in high needs communities by providing
curriculum development, materials and supplies, and salary compensation.
YES Oklahoma also has outreach engagement locally, nationally and globally. An example of YES innovation is our placed-based health education materials in Indigenous languages. Overwhelmingly, our Tribal partners have valued these materials with a total of 47 completed posters/social media posts featuring 23 different phrases created in nine languages across seven language families in North, Central, and South America.
For more information visit the YES website, or email
Bionanotechnology Engagement for Native Americans in Oklahoma (BE4NANO)
The Bionanotechnology Engagement for Native Americans in Oklahoma (BE4NANO;
NSF 2048130) aims to inspire successful careers as scientists and engineers
in underserved and underrepresented student populations through engagement
of at minority HS junior students in bionanotechnology via classroom and
campus visits and summer camps and by creating an academic and social
support network for undergraduates within the institution to facilitate
academic success and professional development.
For more information visit this website.
Cancer Undergraduate Research Experience Program (CURE)
Established in 2010, the Cancer Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)
Program enables outstanding undergraduate students on a biomedical science
career path to work alongside experienced cancer investigators to encourage
their interests in and preparation for careers in cancer research and medicine.
Participants receive intensive hands-on training and experience in active cancer research laboratories over 9-weeks. In addition, the scholars also can take part in enrichment sessions, research seminar series, tumor boards, and many other exciting opportunities.
During the program, participants gain experience in oral and poster presenting via competitions which builds on their ability to organize, interpret and communicate research topics.
Program Date: May 19 to July 22, 2025
To apply for the CURE Program, you MUST be:
Applications due January 22, 2025.
The Diversity in Cancer Research (DiCR)
The Diversity in Cancer Research (DiCR; ACS INTR-23-1253708-01-DICR) Undergraduate
Research Internship was established in 2022 via funding from the American
Cancer Society to advance the diversity and inclusivity in cancer research-related
careers and immerse the next generation of clinicians and scientists into
an experience that will ignite innovation, problem-solving, and skills
to assist in addressing inequality within cancer prevention, treatment and care.
Participants receive intensive hands-on training and experience in active cancer research laboratories over 10-weeks. In addition, the scholars also can take part in enrichment sessions, research seminar series, tumor boards, and many other exciting opportunities. During the program, participants gain experience in oral and poster presenting via competitions which builds on their ability to organize, interpret and communicate research topics.
Program Date: May 19 to July 25, 2025
To apply you MUST be:
Applications due January 22, 2025.
American Cancer Society Scientific Training in Oncology (STRONG) Post-Baccalaureate Program
In 2024 the SCC launched the Scientific Training in Oncology (STRONG; ACS
DICR POST-BACC-23-1156971-01-DPBACC) Post-baccalaureate Program. This
program aims to increase diversity in the cancer-related workforce by
increasing the number of under-represented groups in the biomedical field.
The goal of this program is to expose fellows to cancer research and provide
career development activities that will assist with preparing for entrance
into professional schools and the pursuit of careers in biomedical sciences,
data science, population health, public health or other health professions.
The STRONG program is designed as a two-year cancer research experience. Along with laboratory exposure, scholars take part in graduate level coursework, seminar series, career development workshops and many other opportunities.
To apply you MUST be:
Program Starts late July 2025.
Applications for 2025-2026 Co-hort will open soon.
Through a generous endowment fund from a donor, the TEIGAN Summer Program
was implemented in 2023. The purpose of this summer program is to allow
for an OU Medical Student with a passion in women’s oncology to
gain insight and experience in clinical and basic research in cancers
that affect the female population such as breast, ovarian, cervical, endometrial,
etc. The medical student joins a research laboratory for 8-weeks and is
assigned a project. The student is given the opportunity to be engaged
in near-peer mentoring, oral presentations, poster presentations, tumor
boards, and many more activities.
Program Dates: June 9 to August 1
Stipend: $5,200
Open to current MS1, moving to MS2 for next academic year.
Aspiring Scientists Engaged in Cancer Treatment (ASCEND)
The Aspiring Scientists Engaged in Cancer Treatment (ASCEND) summer program
began in summer of 2024. This program allows for up to 4 OU Medical Students
to engage in clinical and basic research. The OU Health Stephenson Cancer
Center understands that it is important for future clinicians to also
have some basic knowledge in the realm of bench to bedside research.
ASCEND participants dedicate 8-weeks to a mentored research experience with peers and gain laboratory, oral presentation, poster presentation, and mentoring skills along with many other activities.
Program Dates: June 9 to August 1
Stipend: $5,200
Open to current MS1, moving to MS2 for next academic year.
OU Health Sciences offers several educational experiences for undergraduate students interested in exploring careers in medicine and research. Some of these programs are specifically tailored to students from populations underrepresented in these fields.
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
Hosted by the OU Health Sciences Graduate College, the SURE Program is
aimed at preparing undergraduate students to pursue careers in biomedical
research or health-related sciences through hands-on research experiences
in the laboratories of OU Health Sciences biomedical faculty mentors.
Native American Research Center for Health (NARCH) Summer Undergraduate
Research Program
Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NARCH Summer
Undergraduate Research Program provides a research experience for American
Indian students affiliated with any Oklahoma Tribe who have completed
two years of undergraduate study.
Oklahoma INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Oklahoma INBRE
Summer Undergraduate Research Program provides an opportunity for undergraduate
students from a qualifying regional university or community college in
Oklahoma to participate in an 8-week summer biomedical research experience
at OU Health Sciences or the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF).
Visit the program webpage for more information and a list of qualifying
If you have any questions, please contact email