If your question was not featured below, please contact your local location for more information.
We accept major credit cards, travelers checks, money orders, personal checks and cash. If you cannot pay your balance in full, contact us to make payment arrangements.
Payments can be mailed to:
OU Health
PO Box 269070
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
Payments can be mailed to:
OU Health Physicians Tulsa
PO Box 268838
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-8838
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Refer to page one of your most current billing statement or call OU Health
Physicians in Oklahoma City at 1-888-472-0040 or in Tulsa at (918) 660-3650.
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Many insurance plans include co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles
that are the patient’s responsibility to pay. Once your insurance
has processed a claim, you will be billed for any deductible/co-insurance
amounts according to the Explanation of Benefits received from your insurance
company. If you have questions regarding how your insurance company processed
a claim, please contact your insurance carrier directly. If you have questions
concerning your account balance after your insurance has considered your
claim, call OU Health Physicians in Oklahoma City at 1-888-472-0040 or
in Tulsa at (918) 660-3650.
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Please refer to the detailed billing portion of your most current statement.
You will find each date of service and charge itemized along with a notation
that insurance has been filed. If you have a question regarding how your
insurance is being processed, or to update your insurance information,
please call OU Health Physicians in Oklahoma City at 1-888-472-0040 or
in Tulsa at (918) 660-3650.
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To review the insurance information we currently have on file for you, please check page two of your statement. For questions regarding your insurance information, or to update your information, call 1-888-472-0040. To ensure correct billing, always present your insurance card at the time services are rendered.
Currently OU Health Physicians Tulsa statements do not have insurance information
available for review. If there are questions about insurance coverage
for Tulsa patients, please call OU Health Physicians Tulsa Central Billing
Office at (918) 660-3650.
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Contact your insurance company or refer to your plan manual for details
on covered services.
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Mail the payment stub located on the bottom of page one of your statement
along with your personal check, money order or credit card information
in the pre-addressed envelope provided in your statement. You can also
call OU Health Physicians in Oklahoma City at 1-888-472-0040 or in Tulsa
at (918) 660-3650.
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Yes. Our Patient Accounts Representatives are ready to assist you in setting
up a Budget Plan payment arrangement, Credit Card Budget Plan payment
arrangement or reviewing your account for possible assistance through
our Financial Assistance Program. Our representatives have many solutions
to help with your account. Please call OU Health Physicians in Oklahoma
City at 1-888-472-0040 or in Tulsa at (918) 660-3650.
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If you have a concern regarding an experience at OU Health, please give us a call at (405) 271-8008 or if you would prefer to reach out via email, please send an email to letusknow@ouhealth.com.
Emailed submissions should include the following information:
Due to the federal privacy standards (referred to as HIPAA) we only release
information to the patient or the guarantor listed on the account. Representatives
will ask questions of each caller to ensure they are disclosing information
to the appropriate person. Any information requested by a third party
(such as for medical records) must be accompanied by a recent, HIPAA compliant
release form signed and dated by the patient or patient’s legal
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