The prices provided on this website represent our standard charges for items and services provided at the hospital but do not necessarily reflect what a patient will ultimately pay. Insurance plans determine the rates for their members as well as coverage criteria and patient cost sharing requirements. Additionally, the listed prices do not reflect any unforeseen complications, additional tests or procedures, or non-hospital related charges that may be incurred, such as physician fees. Your final bill will include charges for the actual items and services provided to you. The listed prices are for informational purposes only and are not a quote or guarantee of actual amounts owed.
For questions about your financial obligation, we encourage you to contact your insurance plan to verify details of your coverage. If you have difficulty accessing the pricing information or have questions regarding the posted prices, please call 405-271-3546, ext. 13546 to speak to a Financial Counselor.
Our Cost Estimate tool is confidential and intended to assist patients with their medical and financial decisions. This tool contains a consumer friendly guide of standard charges for a limited set of shoppable services. The cost estimate is for hospital and OU Health Physicians charges only and may not include any physician or other professional fees for ER patients. Other services and items may be required that are not included in this estimate. The cost estimate is based on the information the hospital has on file for such plan and final coverage determinations are made by the plan.
This estimator tool for Shoppable Services is applicable to all ambulatory services provided at OU Health clinic locations as well as Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health, OU Health Edmond Medical Center and OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center.
Estimate Your Hospital Bill Cost
The State of Oklahoma mandates the following:
The term "healthcare price" refers to the cash amount a provider or facility charges for services, excluding costs for complications or exceptional treatments. For accurate estimates on commonly used healthcare services, patients should consult the Consumer-Friendly Guide mentioned above.
View the State-Mandated Listings for Oklahoma
Visit this page for more information on Financial Assistance.