HealthySteps Tulsa

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HealthySteps is an interdisciplinary pediatric primary care program that partners a HealthySteps Specialist with a medical provider in the clinic setting to support parents and improve the health and well-being of babies and toddlers. Including the OU Health Physicians location, HealthySteps also administers clinics in five other locations in the Tulsa area and more across the state.

Call for More Information

Find out more about the HealthySteps program in Tulsa by calling the number below or emailing To learn more about the National HealthySteps Program, visit

Call (918) 629-0600

The HealthySteps Specialist, a child development expert, joins the pediatric primary care team at well-child visits to provide developmental and behavioral services with screenings, referrals, and positive parenting guidance. The HealthySteps program provides families with interventions to support development and secure attachment working with children birth through age 3 years. The entire practice benefits with increased collaboration and education to recognize and support families most in need of support to facilitate their child’s healthy growth and development.

Support for the First Three Years

Did you know that a child’s first three years are a vital time for brain development? The HealthySteps team provides you information and resources needed during these important first three years.

A Team Approach


The HealthySteps Specialist works right in your primary care office. If you would like more support, they are available for home visits and phone calls between doctor’s appointments.


The specialists are well connected within your community and can point you toward resources that may be helpful to you and your family.


  • Developmental screenings
  • Community resources
  • Developmental telephone line
  • Optional home visits
  • Individualized information
  • Positive parenting practices
  • Early learning resources
  • Breastfeeding and early nutrition support

Common Questions

The HealthySteps Specialist can also answer your parenting questions, such as:

  • What should I do when my baby cries?
  • How can I support my baby’s healthy sleep?
  • How can I help my baby’s healthy development?
  • How can I help my baby learn?
  • How do I discipline my child?

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