Fertility Services & Reproductive Medicine

Fertility Services & Reproductive Medicine

Starting or growing your family encompasses a variety of personal choices about family planning and the health of everyone involved. But you may face challenges in achieving pregnancy if you’ve tried unsuccessfully for at least a year, are a woman over age 35, if you or your partner have or had an STI or if your health history includes miscarriages or other reproductive issues.

Fertility Services & Reproductive Medicine Close to Home

Reach your dream of parenthood and find the help you need for reproductive health conditions through the fertility and reproductive medicine services at OU Health in Oklahoma City.

You’ll work with an exceptional team of highly trained and compassionate reproductive medicine specialists who focus on your complete care. Through a comprehensive evaluation of your entire health status, you and your care team consider multiple health factors, known and unknown, as you collaborate to develop a treatment plan that fits your specific situation.

Request an Appointment

Request an appointment in-person or virtually with an OU Health reproductive endocrinology
and infertility specialist today.

Call (405) 271-1616

Reproductive Endocrinology Diagnosis

Whatever your condition, when you choose OU Health reproductive endocrinology services, you gain access to a wide range of diagnostic testing options with a full-service laboratory onsite that provides andrology (semen analysis), endocrinology (hormonal evaluation) and embryology (for in vitro fertilization).

Learn what to expect during OU Health reproductive health appointments – your first and follow-ups.

Comprehensive Care for Fertility-Related Conditions

Treating fertility-related conditions takes time, so you want to act promptly to take advantage of OU Health expert diagnostic services and treatments for the full spectrum of fertility-related conditions such as:

Advanced Fertility Services & Treatments

At OU Health, you benefit from evidenced-based treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), where our success rates exceed national averages and include strong pregnancy rates without multiples because we transfer the minimum number of embryos, based on guidelines set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

You and your OU Health reproductive medicine care team members gain access to a full spectrum of advanced services and treatments using other assistive reproductive technologies such as:

  • Donor insemination
  • Embryo freezing
  • Fertility preservation (egg freezing) for cancer conditions
  • Frozen (cryopreserved) embryo transfer
  • Hysterosalpingogram
  • Intrauterine insemination, including donor sperm
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Intrauterine insemination
  • Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
  • Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (TESE)
  • Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA)
  • Oocyte (egg) freezing
  • Ovulation induction
  • Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA)
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  • Recipient / oocyte (egg) donation cycles
  • Reproductive surgery
  • Sperm freezing
  • Surrogacy / gestational carrier cycles
  • Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)
  • Testicular sperm extraction (TESE)

You also may pursue the opportunity to participate in clinical trials.

More Fertility Resources

Although many educational materials about fertility and reproductive medicine exist, you want the most accurate information from reputable sources, such as:

Other resources include DVDs Infertility Explained and Technostorks, as well as books such as The Conception Chronicles, Conquering Infertility, The Baby Trail: A Novel, The Right Fit: A Novel, Waiting for Daisy and A Few Good Eggs.

Request an Appointment

View our providers to find a reproductive endocrinology
and infertility specialist that works for you.

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Fertility Preservation & Cancer

Even if you face a cancer condition, you want the ability to make your own family planning decisions. Although you may experience many side effects of cancer, fertility depends on the type of cancer, treatment, surgery, age and overall health.

Preserving fertility involves saving or protecting eggs, sperm or reproductive tissue. Children and teens with cancer also have reproductive options. For best results, talk with your doctors about fertility preservation before beginning cancer treatment.

Fertility Preservation Before Cancer Treatment

At OU Health, you’ll work with a team of fertility specialists and gain access to advanced fertility preservation services that give you or your loved one future family planning flexibility. Ask your doctor about egg freezing for girls with regular menstrual cycles. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation, or ovary tissue freezing, is an innovative fertility preservation option offered at OU Health is giving new hope to patients who face medical treatments that are likely to impair their ability to conceive a child.

Fertility preservation options for women:

  • Egg freezing

  • In vitro fertilization and embryo freezing

  • Ovary tissue freezing

  • Ovarian transposition

  • Ovarian suppression

  • Ovarian shielding

Fertility preservation options for men:

  • Gonadal shielding

  • Sperm freezing

  • Testicular sperm extraction

Family Planning After Cancer Treatment

If your fertility is affected after you experience a cancer condition, you still may take advantage of alternative ways to grow your family, such as:

  • Fertility treatment and assisted reproduction

  • Egg donation

  • Sperm donation

  • Gestational surrogacy

  • Adoption

Online Cancer-Related Fertility Resources

Learn more online about fertility preservation:

Insurance & Financing for Fertility Services

OK SB1334, commonly known as "Corinne's Law," requires health benefit plans in Oklahoma to cover standard fertility preservation services for individuals diagnosed with cancer who are within reproductive age, when a medically necessary treatment may directly or indirectly cause infertility (a condition referred to as iatrogenic infertility). Corinne’s Law provides a religious exemption process for religious employers and allows enrollees to purchase supplemental coverage for fertility preservation services if their employer's plan is exempt. The law became effective on Jan. 1, 2025.

Your Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Team

Trust the dedicated, compassionate fertility services team at OU Health for expert reproductive health care based on the latest research and advances in clinical trials. You’ll work with board-certified reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) physicians, maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialists, physician assistants, laboratory specialists, women’s health providers, men’s health providers and specially trained nurses who focus on helping your family dreams become reality.

Reproductive Medicine Clinical Trials

Learn more about your options for participating in clinical trials and research conducted by OU Health infertility physicians.

Call (405) 271-1616
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