Event Details

OHAI - AVEM Cooking Demostrations (Fairfax, OK) Northeast

  • Categories: Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative, Senior Health Care

About This Event

  • Event Type:Educational Group

Date: June 12, 2024

Join OHAI and AVEM for a cooking demonstration. Educators will discuss the importance of the perimeter of the grocery store and provide recipes and demonstrations using items normally found around the edge of your local grocery store. This class is limited to the first 20 participants. Participants will receive a samples and additional information on classes provided by OHAI.


Class Length: 1 hour
Course Length: 1 Day
Location: In-person
Day: Wednesday
Coordinator: Magdalena Santillan

Signing up for any class will sign you up for the entire series.

Return to OHAI Class List

  • Price: Free
  • Registration Instructions: Online
Event Coordinator
Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative Office OHAI@ouhsc.edu Phone: (405) 271-2290

Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative is a statewide network focusing on improving the health of older adults from across the state through caregiver training and health promotion education.