Colorectal Cancer Screening: When to Go and What to Know

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Colorectal Cancer Screening: When to Go and What to Know

A cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum if often referred to as colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second-most common cause of cancer death in Oklahoma but regular screenings could save your life.

Colorectal cancer usually starts from a polyp. Screening tests find polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer.

If you’re 45 or older, or have a family history of cancer, speak to your doctor about which screening is right for you. Insurance now covers one screening test free of charge with no deductible, so check with your insurance company – there may be no out-of-pocket cost for you at all to schedule your lifesaving test. For average-risk individuals with no symptoms, colorectal cancer screening should begin at age 45. If you are experiencing symptoms, speak to your doctor immediately.

Type of Screening



Stool-Based Tests

Guaiac-Based Fecal Occult Blood Test/Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

  • No bowel preparation
  • Sampling done at home
  • May miss some polyps/cancers
  • Colonoscopy needed if abnormal

*Done every year

Multi-Targeted Stool DNA Test

(MT –sDNA)

  • No direct risk to the colon or rectum
  • No bowel preparation
  • Sampling done at home
  • May miss some polpys/cancers
  • Colonoscopy needed if abnormal

*Done every 3 years

Visual Examination


Exam of colon and rectum. Polyps removed if present. Required for abnormal results for other tests.

  • Can usually view entire colon and rectum
  • Can biopsy and remove polyps
  • Only screening test that prevents cancer

*Done every 10 years

  • Potentially expensive
  • A medical procedure which uses anesthesia
  • Full bowel preparation needed

CT Colonography

Detailed, cross-sectional, 2D or 3D views of the colon and rectum with an x-ray machine.

  • Fairly quick and safe
  • Can usually view entire colon and rectum
  • No sedation needed

*Done every 5 years

  • Still considered a new testing option
  • Can’t remove polyps during test
  • Full bowel preparation needed
  • Colonoscopy needed if abnormal

Schedule your colorectal cancer screening today and learn more about OU Health services.

OU Health has multiple locations, to make it easy for you:

OU Health – Gastroenterology Clinic
825 NE 10th St., Ste. 4E
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 271-3445

OU Health Physicians Fountain Lake – Multispecialty Clinic
14101 N Eastern Ave., Ste. C
Edmond, OK 73013
(405) 271-9551

OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center
800 NE 10th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
(405) 271-1112